Fine Points, Small Details, “Grace Notes”

Lily pads on Cottle Lake.  Reflections on the water.

Lily pads on Cottle Lake. Reflections on the water.

Spider web gleaming with crystals in the Sunlight

Spider web gleaming with crystals in the Sunlight

The smallest of details can make a big difference in anything, designs, cooking and most especially in life.  We all make an effort to pay attention to the small details, those little moments, but sometimes they get lost in the shuffle of living.  Some call those moments “Grace Notes”.

A perfect glowing berry

A perfect glowing berry

Yesterday I laid in the grass.  It had just been mowed the day before.  There were tiny little yellow flowers, ants, beetles and clover.  It smelled wonderful, of dirt and fresh green cut grass.  For a moment I was a child again; my father had just cut the grass, I was helping him rake it up!  That was Yesterday’s Grace Note.


What will happen today?  Will I notice a special moment or will it be lost?  I hope that I will take time to notice.

Take some time today and find a Grace Note to highlight your day.

Happy Living


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About letissierdesigns

I am an independent knitting pattern designer. My favourite things to design are accessories. Hats, Cowls, Mittens, Gloves, all styles and many weights! Designing anything with lace is my passion. Combining lace with other textures is usually my goal, to add interest and depth to the articles created. Blog - Of Larks and Linnets and Flying Fingers. Facebook - LeTissier Designs Instagram - letissierdesigns I work primarily with natural fibres and love to embellish my patterns. I work to create interesting surface textures with differing stitch patterns and often embellish with beads or buttons. I have designed for Buffalo Wool Co, Vogue Knitting, Zealana, Malabrigo and others. But mostly I design for myself and my LYS. I have worked full time at Mad About Ewe Fine Yarns for over 20 years and started my design process as a method of creating patterns that featured teachable knitting techniques. Everything has grown from those patterns.
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